Salesforce launched the lightning experience in 2015 and with its new interface it brought about a shift in how Salesforce services are consumed. Lightning experience is a collection of tools along with technologies that are in the background of major upgradation of Salesforce platform. The new version also called LEX has been designed keeping in mind how user behaviors are changing and new technologies evolving it with the. These set of the modern user interface are optimized to assist users to take faster decisions and make quicker actions.
The traditional Salesforce interface was recognizable by its two-column layout, the detailed exhibit of data and related lists. In the Classics version, significant information is communicated efficiently and it’s on-screen reference material helps in making the decision of what to do next. In contrast to Classics, the LEX modifies and convert the existing information using intelligence.
By leveraging the new tools and features, LEX makes the new user experience through as it guides the users on how to proceed further. Whether to make a call or move an opportunity to the next stage or to decide which of the leads could prove to be used etc. From last few years, Salesforce was planning and working on the new featured operations.
Initially lightning was unable to attract people as it did not have features as many as the Classics entailed; also because the lightning interface was a significant shift from the older version of Salesforce to which user had become accustomed to. From an administration view, there are still quite a few features that are unavailable in Lightning. This makes work of Salesforce Administrators difficult as they have to keep switching between different presentation layers. So even with the new face of Salesforce, the clients still rely on the Classic version. This scenario is changing as Salesforce keeps on adding new features to lightning.
Do these changes lead us to believe that Salesforce Classic is on the way out, with licensing cost for both set of users remaining the same and new features being added to lightning this can be assumed? Salesforce does not plan to enhance the traditional version although they will surely continue to support the classics version. But their focus will be on the LEX version and its upgradation with time.
The catch remains, whatever release after release you hear from Salesforce, it will be applicable to the Lightning Experience. Customers with Classics version will be paying for yearly updates but will benefit out of the updates.
Over a period, dozens of features have already been applied exclusively for LEX. Visit to find reputablle property division lawyers in California. Within this, one can access the Salesforce Einstein which has the sturdy and powerful applications like visual record sorting with Kanban views for multiple objects, Sales Path, artificial intelligence features etc. In addition to all the new components, a benefit of improved Setup navigation is accessible to the administrators and developers.
If seen in an aesthetic way, the LEX offers a modern interface with the prime focus on the use of visual elements to exhibit information. It also provides an intuitive and effective usage of the space on the screen.
When using a small display like a laptop, the free up precious screen real estate is handy. At the same time, a small and minimized header along with a left-hand menu adds to concentrated attention on the work at hand.
In the new version of LEX, record layouts are not only pretty but also much more usable than the Classic version.
In the classic version, there are uniform layouts with stacked boxes of text in rows and columns which are cumbersome to access. It also tends to give a wrong feeling of data hierarchy by only using vertical space. Whereas, both horizontal and vertical layouts in LEX are used to display elements and information. It also is vibrant and uses different shapes and colors to mark important information and highlight dissimilar types of elements.
As highlighted, LEX is engaging in nature, thus each element has a separate function, so its layout helps to stress and emphasize what the users often need to do with those records.
The Lightning Experience of Salesforce is dynamic and the new interface is bright and colorful. In the Classic version, most of the time the user is staring at a static HTML page. To save any data on a classic, it requires a complete page refresh and then views or dashboards requires editing along with loading of a totally different editing interface. After all this effort, one must reload the page to be able to view the update.
On the other hand, LEX has a totally a different interface. There is no requirement to refresh an entire page to see the saved data. The smooth process of saving updated data in one element can automatically update the data in other elements immediately. The newer version can engage the user in a better and interesting way. The LEX has been able to bring intuitiveness and efficiency to the tables of their customers.
The biggest drawback with the Classics version was that there was no flexibility and customization available with the user interface, but with LEX, Salesforce has changed that too Salesforce has brought about elements like Lightning App Builder and the Lightning Design System which helps the user to utilize the fundamental design system of Lightning Experience to effortlessly create an app or boost user experience.
The way ahead:

We all know that eventually Classics will fade away and the Lightning Experience will become the new face of Salesforce. So sooner or later, every organization that uses Salesforce must go through the change at the point of time. Thus, longer the wait is to embrace the new version of Salesforce, the more pain it is going to cause the organization.
There indeed is significant immediate value and advantage of using LEX. Opportunity Kanban is one of the most talked features. It is a graphic summary of the opportunities that exist in the pipeline, grouped by stages. For a user of LEX, it will be easy to drag and drop the leads between various stages. Further one can create other activities without leaving the main page.
LEX training and support is required for the new experience. One should not hesitate to roll out the new platform. Initially it’s just a small adjustment which is needed, but eventually, the experience would be gratifying.